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By the Numbers in New Hanover County in 2023
4037 homes sold
2992 single family homes, 556 condos, 465 townhomes, 24 manufactured homes
Compared to 2022: 4976 homes sold
3655 single family homes, 719 condos, 559 townhomes, 48 manufactured
Compared to 2021: 6325 homes total sold
4585 single family, 1030 condos, 665 townhomes, 45 manufactured
Compared to 2020: 6356 total sold
4902 single family, 942 condos, 657 townhomes, 35 manufactured
Compared to 2019: 5530 sold
4151 single family, 793 condos, 544 townhomes, 42 manufactured
Homes Prices (rounded off)
Average home sold $540k (highest ever in New Hanover County)
Average price per sq ft: $284 (highest ever in New Hanover County)
Compared to 2022: Avg price was $505k, avg per sq ft was $265
Compared to 2021: Avg price was $425k, avg per sq ft was $223
Compared to 2020: Avg price was $375k, avg per sq ft was $192
Compared to 2019: Avg price was $333k, avg per sq ft was $173
Lowest Prices on sold homes
Low priced deals seem like a thing of the past. For the third straight year, there was not a single property (house, condo, townhome, or mobile home) that sold for under 50k. There were a total of 18 properties that sold for under 100k, and only 5 single familly houses that sold for under $100k
The last 3 years there were 0 homes sold for under 50k
In 2023, there were 18 that sold for less than 100k
In 2022, there were 22 that sold for less than 100k
In 2021, there were 40 that sold for less than 100
In 2020, there were 91 sold for less than $100k
see also: lowest priced single family homes sold in New Hanover County last year
Lowest Price:
807 Russell Alley, sold for 70k
Not sure what the story was here, but this house was on the market for 277 days so it must've been bad. There was a tenant in place paying 750/month, so the numbers definitely worked.
There were only 5 single family homes sold for under 100k in all of 2023.
Lowest Price Per Sq Ft:
5705 Orange St,
sold for 105k, $55 per sq ft.
This is the Orange Street in Castle Hayne, not downtown WIlmington. It is a 1900 sq ft 3/2, it didn't have any interior pictures, must've been bad.
There were 7 homes that sold for under $100 per sq ft in 2023.
Highest Prices on Sold Homes
Yet another big year for high end home sales. The four highest sales in the history of the county occurred just last year, all of them for over $10 million.
In 2023:
There were 283 that sold for over $1 million, which was a lot but it was less than 2022, when there were 316 homes that sold for over $1 million.
see also: Top homes sold in New Hanover County in 2023
see also: Top homes ever sold in New Hanover County
Highest Price:
10 Inlet Hook, Figure Eight, sold for $13 million
This recently built home on the north end of Figure 8 has all the fabulous views and high end finishes that will hopefully not succomb to the inevitable onslaught of mother nature in the next few years.
Highest Price Per Sq Ft:
11 Bahama Dr, sold for $3.3 million, $2650 per sq ft
This 1245 beach cottage at Wrightsville Beach has four boat slips, and a private beach on the no wake lollipop bay. I would tell you more about the house, but I suspect it is already cleared away.
Smallest Single Family Homes Sold last year
In 2023, there were 120 homes that sold that were under 1000 sq ft
In 2022, there were 155 homes that sold that were under 1000 sq ft
In 2021, there were 162 homes that sold that were under 1000 sq ft
In 2020, there were 169 homes that sold that were under 1000 sq ft
Smallest: 806 Ocean Blvd, 543 sq ft, sold for $490k
This adorable little cottage in Carolina Beach is just 543 sq ft, but it has everything you need - two bedrooms, one bath, a kitchen and a dining room, all just a few blocks from the ocean. Even more charming, it had just been renovated. I wonder how long it takes to renovate 543 sq ft?
Largest homes sold
Despite all the hype about tiny homes, the average size of homes continues to remain high.
Over the last several years the average sold home has been around 2000 sq ft.
The biggest house sold in 2023 was over 9,000 sq ft
In 2023 there were 12 homes sold that were over 6000 sq ft.
In 2022 there were 16 homes sold that were over 6000 sq ft
in 2021 there were 33 homes sold that were over 6000 sq ft
8516 Bald Eagle Lane, 9136 sq ft, sold for $10.7 million
This fairly spacious abode sits on a high bluff overlooking the Intracoastal Waterway on one of the area's most impressive streets, Bald Eagle Lane. Six bedrooms and ten baths, and a 3 car garage.
One of 12 that sold that were over 6000 sq ft,
Time it took to sell
There was a record set in 2022 of shortest average days on market for a sold home, that average was just 21 days. Things have slowed down a bit, the average in 2023 was 33 days.
In 2023, there were 14 homes that took longer than a year to sell
In 2022, there were 18 homes that took longer than a year to sell
In 2021, there were 41 homes that took longer than a year to sell
Longest on Market:
921 Baldwin Park Dr, sold after 551 days on the market for $670k
This 3080 sq ft home was built new in 2022 in popular Anchor's Bend. It states in the description that it was a model home, so it was probably just "sort of" on the market.
Age of Homes
There were 24 homes sold in 2023 that were built before 1900
There were 30 homes sold in 2022 that were built before 1900
There were 32 homes sold in 2021 that were built before 1900
On the other end of the spectrum, there were 412 new homes sold last year, up from 384 in 2022
Oldest Home Sold:
510 Surry St, built in 1795, sold for $1.625 million
Some homes hold their value through the years, like this gem built well over 200 years ago on the Cape Fear River. Truly fabulous home and gardens.
Bedrooms & Bathrooms
Number of homes with more than 6 bedrooms: 29 (57 in 2022)
Home with the most bedrooms: 12 (see below)
Number of homes with more than 8 bathrooms: 8 (16 in 2021)
Most Bedrooms:
four way tie with 7 bedrooms:
#1: 833 S Ft Fisher Blvd, $3.1 m
#2: 6351 Greenville Loop Rd, $1.7 m
#3: 915 General Whiting Bd, $1.1m
#4: 913 Tarpon, sold for $1.15m
Interesting that only one of these is newer. #1 was built in 2022, the other three are 20 years+.
Most Bathrooms:
8516 Bald Eagle Ln, sold for $10.7 m
Also the winner of the biggest house sold, this 9136 sq ft house has ten bathrooms, ideal for a big family who doesn't like to share. Regrettably there are no pictures of the bathrooms on the mls. |
Realtor Update (home and land sales in three county region).
Number of Realtors who made one sale in 2023: 2021
Number of Realtors who made one sale in 2022: 2170
Number of Realtors who made one sale in 2021: 2196
Number of Realtors who made one sale in 2020: 1933
Number of Realtors who made over $1 million in sales in 2023: 1175
Number of Realtors who made over $1 million in sales in 2022: 1290
Number of Realtors who made over $1 million in sales in 2021: 1289
Number of Realtors who made over $1 million in sales in 2020: 1127
Number of Realtors who made over $4 million in sales in 2023: 437
Number of Realtors who made over $4 million in sales in 2022: 500
Number of Realtors who made over $4 million in sales in 2021: 517
Number of Realtors who made over $4 million in sales in 2020: 427
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