By the Numbers
In New Hanover County in 2015
Homes sold
In 2015: 4475 sold
3423 homes, 577 condos, 433 town homes, 2 fractional, 40 manufactured
Compared to 2014: 3858 sold
2998 homes, 480 condos, 351 town homes, 5 fractional, 25 manufactured
Compared to 2013: 3779 total sold
2940 homes, 472 condos, 328 townhomes, 33 manufactured, 6 fractional or time share
Compared to 2012: 3467 total sold
2687 homes, 427 condos, 310 townhomes, 40 manufactured, 3 fractional ownership
Compared to 2011: 2680 total sold
2053 homes, 392 condos, 198 townhomes, 21 manufactured, 2 fractional ownership
Homes prices
Average home sold $272,693
Average price per sq ft: 139
Compared to 2014; Avg price was $263,125, avg price per sq ft was $135
Compared to 2013: Avg price was $257,308, avg price per sq ft was $129
Compared to 2012: Avg price was $243,539, avg price per sq ft was $122
Compared to 2011: Avg price was $244, 511, price per sq ft was $125
Lowest Prices on Sold Homes
Lowest priced home: $17,500. (see below-last year was $11,500)
Number of homes that sold for under 100k: 376 (last year there were 350)
Homes under 50k: 92 (last year there were 82)
Homes under 25k: 7 (last year there were 11)
Number of homes sold for under $25 per sq ft: 18
Lowest priced per square feet: $13.78 (last year it was $12)
see also: bottom ten homes lowest priced sold in New Hanover County in 2015
Lowest Price:
1313 Marsdon
Sold for
3 beds, 1 bath 1248 sq ft of sheer not luxury. The only words in the description were “In need of major TLC.”
Lowest Price Per Sq Ft:
3212 Ruby Ln,
Sold for
$13.78 psf
Sales price was $19,900, $13.78 psf
This listing required buyers to go by the listing office and sign a Hold Harmless form, and recommended that they take a flashlight. So needs some help.
One of 18 to sell for under $25 psf
Highest Prices on Sold Homes
Highest priced home: $3.475 million ($3.5 in 2014, $4.375 in 2013, $3.2 million in 2012)
Number of homes that sold for over $2 million: 25 (13 in 2014, 13 in 2013, 8 in 2012, 9 in 2011)
Number of homes that sold for over $1 million: 81 (67 in 2014, 64 in 2013, 49 in 2012, 48 in 2011)
see also: Top ten homes sold in New Hanover County in 2015
Highest Price:
217 S. Lumina Ave
$3.475 million
Built in 1899, the oldest house in Wrightsville Beach, the French Bluethenthal Cottage. Classic Nags Head cottage, with antique pine interiors, but modernized with a renovation in 1998. More pertinent to the high price is the fact that it is on two lots with ocean frontage. |
Highest Price Per Sq Ft:
123 S. Lumina, $1972 psf
Sold for $3 million, 1972 psf
Relatively small house (1521 sq ft) and a high dollar location makes for the high number here. The small cottage just happened to be in the right place, on two lots oceanfront at Wrightsville Beach. One of four homes priced at over 1000 psf |
Smallest Homes Sold in 2014
Smallest: 384 sq ft (see below)
Number of homes sold that were under 700 sq ft: 6
Number of homes, condos and townhomes that sold that were under 700 sq ft: 107
105 Capps Ct
560 Sq Ft
105 Capps Ct, sold for $100k, 560 sq ft
This little cottage off Pine Grove was built in 1956, and apparently no one ever added onto it. One bed, one bath, half an acre. |
Largest homes sold
Largest home sold: 10147 sq ft (see below)
Number of homes sold that were over 5000 sq ft: 26 (32 last year)
7156 River Rd
10,147 Sq Ft
Sold for $915k after being on the market for 736 days
This majestic riverfront estate on 7 acres was built in 2005. Just in case you were wondering if it was a good idea to built a 10,000+ sq ft house, it sold in foreclosure. I think I remember seeing this house on that tv series Revolution. One of 5 over 7000 sq ft |
Time it took to sell
Home that took the longest to sell: 4760 days (see below. last year was 1618 days)
Number on the market that sold after being on market for over 1000 days: 50 (11 last year)
Number of homes CURRENTLY on the market over 2,000 days: 4 (5 last year)
Number of homes that sold in under 30 days: 1713 (799 in 2014, 898 in 2013, 252 in 2012)
Longest on Market:
1606 Bonito Lane
Days on Mkt: 4760 days
The long distance winner for 2015 is 1606 Bonito Lane, sold 9/9/15 after being on market for 4,760 days. Sold for $160k. It went on the market on July 2, 2007.
Age of Homes
Oldest home sold: home built in 1830 (see below)
Number of homes sold that were built prior to 1950: 324 (283 last year)
Number of homes sold that were built prior to 1900: 30 (28 last year)
Number of homes sold that were built in 2015: 396 (in 2014, there were 334 homes sold that were built in 2014)
Oldest Home Sold:
153 Edgewater Lane
Built in 1830
This gorgeous home off Airlie Road in Wilmington, sold for $1.3 million. The elegant southern colonial overlooking the intracoastal waterway has 12’ ceilings, built in 1830. Back in the day, the A-listers who had houses in downtown Wilmington would have a “summer home” where they could escape the heat of summer.
Bedrooms & Bathrooms
Number of homes with more than 6 bedrooms: 44 (26 last year)
Home with the most bedrooms: nine (see below)
Number of homes with more than 8 bathrooms: 4 (2 last year)
Most Bedrooms:
1406 Carolina Beach Ave
9 bedrooms
Oceanfront home in Carolina Beach sold for $1.6 million, had nine bedrooms and 5000 sq ft. That works out to around $177k per bedroom
Most Bathrooms:
2122 Stillwater Pl
9 bathrooms
The house that sold with the most bathrooms was 2122 Stillwater Pl in Landfall, which sold for $1.05 million. Just in case you were wondering if it was a good idea to build a house with 9 bathrooms, it was sold as a foreclosure. Tragically, this pederstrian bath is the only photo of any of the bathrooms. |
329 land listings sold in 2015 (313 in 2014, 322 in 2013, 429 in 2012)
Lowest priced land sale: $3000 for a .05 acre lot on Simon St. downtown
Highest priced land sale: $2.2 million for a .3 acre oceanfront lot on Figure 8 Island
Realtor Update (home and land sales in tri county area)
Number of Realtors who made one sale in 2015: 1459 (last year = 1278)
Number of Realtors who made one sale in 2007: 1796 (peak)
Number of Realtors who made over $1 million in sales in 2015: 756 (641 last year)
Number of Realtors who made over $1 million in sales in 2006: 905 (peak)