By the Numbers
In New Hanover County in 2014
Homes sold
2014: 3858 sold
2998 homes, 480 condos, 351 town homes, 5 fractional, 25 manufactured
Compared to 2013: 3779 total sold
2940 homes, 472 condos, 328 townhomes, 33 manufactured, 6 fractional or time share
Compared to 2012: 3467 total sold
2687 homes, 427 condos, 310 townhomes, 40 manufactured, 3 fractional ownership
Compared to 2011: 2680 total sold
2053 homes, 392 condos, 198 townhomes, 21 manufactured, 2 fractional ownership
Homes prices
Average home sold $263,125
Average price per sq ft: $135
Compared to 2013: Avg price was $257,308, avg price per sq ft was $129
Compared to 2012: Avg price was $243,539, avg price per sq ft was $122
Compared to 2011: Avg price was $244, 511, price per sq ft was $125
Lowest Prices on Sold Homes
Lowest priced home: $11,500. (see below)
Number of homes that sold for under 100k: 350 (last year there were 439)
Homes under 50k: 82 (last year there were 76)
Homes under 25k: 11 (last year there were 14)
Lowest priced per square feet: $11.62 (last year it was $16)
Lowest Price:
202 Evans St
Sold for $11,500
877 square feet of utter intrigue, including a room painted light blue with pink trim, a room painted pink with pink trim, a room with a ceiling painted blue, and a room with a floor painted green, with what appears to be the chalk outline of a body in it.
On another note, this house is back on the market after a nice renovation. The new price is $54,900, to see a picture of the post renovation, click here
Lowest Price Per Sq Ft:
410 N. 13th St.
Sold for $32.011, $11.62 psf
This is a pretty good example of a house too big for the neighborhood. The house is over 2750 sq feet, 5 bedrooms, 3 baths, built in 1920.
Highest Prices on Sold Homes
Highest priced home: $3.5 million ($4.375 in 2013, $3.2 million in 2012, $2.895 million in 2011)
Number of homes that sold for over $2 million: 13 (13 in 2013, 8 in 2012, 9 in 2011)
Number of homes that sold for over $1 million: 67 (64 in 2013, 49 in 2012, 48 in 2011)
see also: top ten homes sold in New Hanover County in 2014
Highest Price:
6 Beach Rd, Figure Eight
$3.5 million
This spacious 5,000 square foot home features expansive views of the Atlantic Ocean from a private island. Essentially the perfect home, especially if you have $3.5 million to spend. |
Smallest Homes Sold in 2014
Smallest: 384 sq ft (see below)
Number of homes sold that were under 500 sq ft: 19
Number of homes sold that were under 1,000 sq ft: 324
1204 Simon St
1204 Simon St, $17,500
Small houses are the new trend, but this home was built in 1920. One bedroom, one bath, and 384 square feet. For reference sake, you could fit 22 of these in the biggest house. |
Largest homes sold
Largest home sold: 10009 sq ft (see below)
Number of homes sold that were over 5000 sq ft: 32 (32 last year)
110 Skystasail, $1.1 million
At 8,932 square feet, six bedrooms, 9 bathrooms, a chef's kitchen, basement, wine cellar, theater room, a garage apartment and a boat slip, this home in Shandy Point seems like a bargain at $1.1 million. Long time residents may recognize this home as the Rusher house, a.k.a. the Haunted House. I grew up close to this house, it was vacant for many years and because of its size, its gaunt appearance and the fact that it was high on a hill, was rumored to be haunted and was frequently broken into by thrill seeking teenagers (present company included). |
Time it took to sell
Home that took the longest to sell: 1618 days (see below)
Number on the market that sold after being on market for over 1000 days: 11
Number of homes CURRENTLY on the market over 2,000 days: 5 (5 last year)
Number of homes that sold in under 30 days: 799 (898 in 2013, 252 in 2012)
Longest on Market:
1409 Regatta
Sold for $663,000
This home first went on the market back in Spring of 2010 for $975,000. It finally sold in October of 2014.
Age of Homes
Oldest home sold: home built in 1825 (see below)
Number of homes sold that were built prior to 1950: 283 (265 last year)
Number of homes sold that were built prior to 1900: 28 (17 last year)
Number of homes sold that were built after 2013: 543 (last year 2 year old homes = 535, the year before that, the number was 447)
Oldest Home Sold:
613 Chestnut St
Built in 1850, sold for $360,000
This charming bungalow downtown was reborn in 2007 with all new mechanicals - plumbing, electric, hvac, roof. The size is listed at 2800 square feet, which would indicate that it was either a mansion when originally built, or more likely, has been added to over the years. To give you an idea of the transformation, this home sold for $130,000 in 2003.
Bedrooms & Bathrooms
Number of homes with more than 6 bedrooms: 26 (31 last year)
Home with the most bedrooms: nine (see below)
Number of homes with more than 8 bathrooms: 2 (5 last year)
Most Bedrooms:
701 N. Carolina Beach Ave
Sold for
This house has nine bedrooms, but is only 3156 square feet, so the bedrooms must be small. There are also just four bathrooms, so that sets up some battles for shower time. But as a beach rental, nine bedrooms is a slam dunk!
313 land listings sold in 2014 (322 last year, 429 in 2012)
Lowest priced land sale: $2000 for a half acre on Prosperity Lane in Castle Hayne (ironically)
Highest priced land sale: $2 million for a 1 acre oceanfront lot on Figure 8 Island
Realtor Update (home and land sales in tri county area)
Number of Realtors who made one sale in 2014: 1278 (last year = 1212)
Number of Realtors who made one sale in 2007: 1796 (peak)
Number of Realtors who made over $1 million in sales in 2014: 641 (603 last year)
Number of Realtors who made over $1 million in sales in 2006: 905 (peak)