By the Numbers
In New Hanover County in 2013
Homes sold
3779 total sold
2940 homes, 472 condos, 328 townhomes, 33 manufactured, 6 fractional or time share
Compared to 2012: 3467 total sold
2687 homes, 427 condos, 310 townhomes, 40 manufactured, 3 fractional ownership
Compared to 2011: 2680 total sold
2053 homes, 392 condos, 198 townhomes, 21 manufactured, 2 fractional ownership
Homes prices
Average home sold $257,308
Average price per sq ft: $129
Compared to 2012: Avg price was $243,539, avg price per sq ft was $122
Compared to 2011: Avg price was $244, 511, price per sq ft was $125
Lowest Prices on Sold Homes
Lowest priced home: $13,000. (see below) There was one that sold for $1, but it was donated.
Number of homes that sold for under 100k: (last year there were 555)
Homes under 50k: (last year there were 139, in 2011 there were 55)
Homes under 25k: (last year there were 32 in 2011 there were 12)
Lowest priced per square feet: $16 (last year it was $8.06, in 2011 it was $6.18)
Lowest Price:
424 Evans St
Sold for $13,000
The first sentence in this home description was "this house has a large lot." The description also mentioned central location and potential.
Lowest Price Per Sq Ft:
1220 S. 16th St
Sold for $15,783, $15.97 psf
The description on this house mentions that it was fire damaged, has a deep lot, is accessible from a back alley, and that only cash offers were acceptable. Just in case you knew a mortgage company willing to loan $16k on a fire damaged shack.
Highest Prices on Sold Homes
Highest priced home: $4.375 million ($3.2 million in 2012, $2.895 million in 2011)
Number of homes that sold for over $2 million: 13 (8 in 2012, 9 in 2011)
Number of homes that sold for over $1 million: 64 (49 in 2012, 48 in 2011)
see also: top ten homes sold in New Hanover County in 2013
Highest Price:
25 Back Fin Pt, Figure Eight
This "compound" on Figure Eight Island is actually a house with two detached guest houses, for the vacation with a big family that doesn't get along.
A mere $4.375 million |
Smallest Homes Sold in 2013
Smallest: 304 sq ft (see below)
Number of homes sold that were under 500 sq ft: 13
Number of homes sold that were under 1,000 sq ft: 302
7 S. 2nd St
Coming in at just 304 sq feet, this very efficient condo is downtown at the Diamond Feed Store, a former commercial building renovated into condos.
Sometimes size doesn't matter as much as location does.
Sold for $90k |
Largest homes sold
Largest home sold: 10009 sq ft (see below)
Number of homes sold that were over 5000 sq ft: 32 (26 last year)
400 S. Front St.
An impressive 10,009 sq ft, the Governor Dudley Mansion was sold in a foreclosure for $1.249 million. The previous owners ran into some issues with neighbors because they were renting the place out for parties. With 10,000+ sq ft, you'd have to have some people over to fill it up! Interesting that they didn't stop at 10,000 sq ft, they tacked on the extra 9. |
Time it took to sell
Home that took the longest to sell: 1618 days (see below)
Number on the market that sold after being on market for over 1000 days: 21
Number of homes CURRENTLY on the market over 2,000 days: 5 (4 last year, 8 in 2011)
Number of homes that sold in under 30 days: 898 (252 in 2012, 435 in 2011)
Longest on Market:
425 Colonial
Pretty amazing to think that a house in Forest Hills would win this title, but this house just had a lot of challenges. Purchased for $319k after being on the market for 1618 days. It originally went on the market for $613k in 10/08.
Age of Homes
Oldest home sold: home built in 1825 (see below)
Number of homes sold that were built prior to 1950: 265 (267 last year, 232 in 2011)
Number of homes sold that were built prior to 1900: 17 (20 last year, 21 in 2011)
Number of homes sold that were built after 2012: 535 (last year 2 year old homes = 447, the year before that, the number was 272)
Oldest Home Sold:
400 S. Front St.
Sold for $1.249 million
Pretty impressive that a home built in 1825 would still be valued at well over a million, but if you scroll back up you will also note this is the Governor Dudley Mansion and is over 10,000 sq ft!
Bedrooms & Bathrooms
Number of homes with more than 6 bedrooms: 31 (28 last year, 25 in 2011
Home with the most bedrooms: two homes had 10 bedrooms(see below)
Number of homes with more than 8 bathrooms: 5 (4 last year)
Most Bedrooms:
316 Cape Fear Blvd
Sold for $630k
This is actually a 12 unit apartment complex
715 Carolina Beach Ave
Sold for $590k
This is actually a Bed and Breakfast
322 land listings sold in 2013 (429 last year, 237 in 2011)
Lowest priced land sale: $7500 for a lot off Blue Clay Rd near Castle Hayne
Highest priced land sale: $2.65 million for an soundfront lot on Figure 8 Island
Realtor Update (home and land sales in tri county area)
Number of Realtors who made one sale in 2013: 1212 (last year = 1124)
Number of Realtors who made one sale in 2007: 1796 (peak)
Number of Realtors who made over $1 million in sales in 2012: 603 (542 last year)
Number of Realtors who made over $1 million in sales in 2006: 905 (peak)